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Monoliths Traps Loot Clearing Room Features Image
Present Left levers do nothing, while right ones will detonate TNT. Upon mining the diamond block in the second area, gravel will fall from the ceiling and attempt to suffocate the player. Gathering To clear this room without blowing up the loot you must dig down a block from the middle of the main lever room. This will lead into a seemingly endless pit which is actually Fabric of Reality. Jump into the room and there will be some TNT and a chest. Then digging down two more blocks will reveal a pool of water. Jump into it unless you plan on going back without the diamond block in the next area. Upon jumping down you will be met with a grassy plane, a small housing of a dimensional door, and most importantly a large chamber with a diamond block. Be careful, as this is a trap. Entry is blocked by metal bars, which the player should break. It then leads into a lever room. Below that is a pool of water leading to the last area of this room, a grassy area with a building and dimensional door.
None None None Nothing to clear. To enter the room one must first break the bricks blocking the tunnel in front of them. Features a total of 8 dimensional doors, leading to 8 different areas. Also contains 2 warp doors, one to the left when you break down the barrier and the one the player entered the area with.
Present TNT will blow up the rooms and the hidden loot chests if the third lever is pulled. Gathering When entering the lever room there are three levers. To open the secret chest room, flip the first and second lever (left to right). Features a room that branches off three ways. Left and right tunnels lead to dimensional doors, while the one straight in front of you leads to the lever room with a secret loot room.
None Traps are present, gathering info Gathering Gathering info on how to clear. Features a long 2x2 hallway. Upon entering, the player is stepping on a pressure plate with triggers the ends of the hallway to begin closing in, lava falling into the tunnel behind the closing walls.
Present Upon pulling the lever in the lever room TNT will explode while a piston extends in the doorway to keep you occupied while the TNT primes. Upon entering the room on the far left on the side with the lever room there will be a tripwire that will be triggered if the player attempts to walk up the stairs. This will also activate TNT. Gathering There is no point to pull the lever in the lever room, so do not do it. You can either disable the tripwire with shears or mine the first slap and, walk into the double-slab and then jump to bypass it. Be careful not to trip it on your way down. Upon leaving the room where you enter from, there is a tunnel that branches off either direction. To your right there is a chest that is safe to open and then the lever room. To your left are three rooms. On the left side there are two rooms with three dimensional doors each. To the right side there is a trapped pathway up to the second chest.
None Upon walking past the dimensional door that the hallway branches off into you will be met with a stair case leading to a one block flight of fabric of reality and another staircase leading down. At the second flight there is no fabric of reality and at the same time there is nothing beyond that point, it is solely meant to get the player sent to limbo via dying in the void below. None The only point of this room is to enter through the dimensional door on your right after ascending the first staircase, as the staircase passed that dimensional door has nothing behind it and is a trap. Features a staircase ascending up to a branch off, right to a dimensional door, forward to a descending staircase which has a void trap.
None None None No need to clear. Simply a bridge from a warp door to a dimensional door
None None Diamond block. Under the full tree in this room there is a diamond block. There is no trap, you can simply mine it. A stone brick entry area leading into a small grassy field with a stump and a tree. This is a dead end room and requires the player to go back through the warp door as there is no dimensional door present.
None None None No need to clear. Simply features a stone brick path leading to a spiral staircase enclosed in fabric of reality. At the end of the staircase there is a small tunnel leading to a dimensional door.
Present None None No need to clear. Features a 4 way hallway. The player enters from the first hallway with the warp door, while the other three directions each have their own dimensional door
Present There are constantly pistons closing and opening on the sides and more importantly the ground. Upon falling through the floor if a trap opens the player will fall into the void. None Timing is everything. The player should only run through 2 traps at a time at most, as beyond that traps will be opening. It is advised to just find a pattern of how the two traps in front of you open and go when they are not active. Features a long 2x2 hallway with many traps opening and closing constantly. At the end there is a dimensional door leading forward.
Present The hole in the wall in the main tunnel allows a monolith to begin watching the player. If they linger there too long they will inevitably be teleported to limbo. The same idea is present where the chest is hidden. Gathering There is a chest on the first tunnel to the player's left. It is recommended to loot the whole thing as fast as you can, as to access the chest a monolith will be watching you. Features a long hallway with two other hallways branching off on either side. There is a hole in the wall in the main hallway that allows a monolith to watch the player, as with the hallway with the chest. There is hallway to the right but there is nothing in it as it ends in a layer of fabric of reality
None The layer before the cube holding the door has no fabric of reality, making the player walk into off the edge into the void. None Place a one block bridge from the fabric of reality to the stone bricks. Features a walkway of fabric of reality except for the layer before the stone bricks. Since the cube holds a warp door, not a dimensional one, if the player wishes to progress further into the dungeons it is advised to simply leave and find a different room.
None None None No need to clear. A spiral staircase down to a dimensional door. Just be careful not to fall of the edge.
Present None None No need to clear. A staircase leading up to a dimensional door
Present None Gathering Step on the pressure plate. It is meant to look like a trap but it really just leads to a room with loot A pressure plate leading to a secret chest room is the first room encountered. Is you go forward through the small doorway, ahead of you there is a dimensional door and to your right is a warp door through some bars.
Present Walking outside the main tunnel will lead to an open area with a few spots that fall to the void and more importantly monoliths watching you. None Run through as fast as you can and try to avoid fabric of reality as it may lead to the void. A room at first blocked by two stone brick blocks, in which should be broken. Then leads to a room with a dimensional door in front of you, however the room is watched by monoliths.
Present Rapidly closing piston walls down the entire corridor. Meant to suffocate and disorient the player. None Sprint as much as you can through the hall. You should be hitting the walls that are opening in front of you. When you do, just reactivate your sprint. If you get caught just keep trying to move forward, do not try to turn your view as you may start going backwards, which is almost physically impossible to complete without flipping the lever at the end. Features a room with a closing piston trap all the way down to the end. The only way to get back after completing the challenge is to flip the lever at the end, thus shutting off the pistons.
Present The fourth set of holes in the wall is accompanied by a tripwire that, when tripped, activates a set of pistons that push you into the void. None It is recommended to bring a pair of shears along to disarm it, but if the player does not have one he can trip the wire then immediately backtrack to set off the trap but not get pushed in. A short hallway with five pairs of holes in the bottom of each wall every three blocks. The fourth hole set houses a tripwire trap.
Present Activating the pressure plate will almost certainly get the player killed. Upon stepping on said pressure plate it will activate some pistons that push the player into the void. None Despite the appearance of the room and the blatant trap, there is a dimensional door. When you are pushed down into the void there is a room immediately below where you were, however there is no floor and almost no way to reach it. The only way to reach it is to place a block incredibly fast to catch yourself, or use something like a jetpack. If you do not have a jetpack, it is advised that you just head back through the warp door. A room with a pressure plate trap at the end. Below the hallway is a copy of the hallway, however it is floorless and houses a dimensional door.
None The staircase up houses a tripwire trap at head level towards the top of the staircase, which when tripped will activate pistons that remove the floor below you. Once tripped it is impossible to avoid the void unless you have a jetpack or any similiar item. None Use a shears to remove the trap or mine a few blocks to bypass the tripwire, also watch your step as most of the holes in the ground lead to the void. Features a 4-way intersection. Left and right lead nowhere, whilst going forward leads you to a room almost completely blocked out by fabric of reality. There is a stairway up (left) and a stairway down (right). The right one is safe, while the top one has a trap. Either direction leads to a dimensional door.
Present None None No need to clear. Features a simple hallway with a corner, which leads around to a dimensional door.