Ultimate Solar Panel

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Ultimate Solar Panel
Ultimate Solar Panel

Name Ultimate Solar Panel
Source Mod Solar Expansion
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 300.0
Hardness 8.0
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Crescent Hammer

The Ultimate Solar Panel is a block added by the Solar Expansion mod. It is the sixth (and highest) tier of Solar Panels added by the mod, which generates Redstone Flux. It requires a clear line of sight to the sky to operate. The panel generates a total of 32,768 RF/t during daytime, but it will not generate any power when it is raining or during nighttime. The panel has an internal buffer which will store up to 32,768,000 RF, it is able to transfer power out of the buffer at a rate of 65,536 RF/t.

The panels can be placed next to a power cell to transfer out their power, but they will only connect to Fluxducts on the bottom side.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Advanced Solar Panel (Solar Expansion)
Advanced Solar Panel (Solar Expansion)
Advanced Solar Panel (Solar Expansion)
Advanced Solar Panel (Solar Expansion)
Ultimate Solar Core
Advanced Solar Panel (Solar Expansion)
Advanced Solar Panel (Solar Expansion)
Advanced Solar Panel (Solar Expansion)
Advanced Solar Panel (Solar Expansion)
Ultimate Solar Panel
GUI Crafting Table.png
Ultimate Solar Helmet (Solar Expansion)

Ultimate Solar Panel


Ultimate Solar Panel can be used to create the following items: