Torch Placer

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Torch Placer
Item Torch Placer.png

Torch Placer

Name Torch Placer
Module type Attachment
Modular cost 14
Construction time 1m 23s
Slots 3
Source Mod Steve's Carts 2

Torch Placer is located on the sides of the cart.

Put torches in the three slots. When you hold your mouse over the yellow bar it will say: Threshold: 8 (default) Current: (current light level)

The Threshold shows on what light level Torch Placer should place torches. The Current is what light level it's now at the cart.

Click on the yellow bar where you want the red line to be. The red line indicates what your current setting is and the yellow part of the bar is what light level currently is.


GUI Crafting Table.png
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Torch Placer