Talk:Soul Network

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Gxam, the edit you made makes this article incomprehensible to a new player. You jump into describing each individual component without any opening paragraph to provide context. Someone who doesn't know what a soul network is WON'T have enough context to know why binding is important. Your article is going to look like nonsense to them.

Look at what you have now. It starts out with "A Soul Network is the collection of items bound to a blood mage. The soul network also stores the mage's life essence." then goes directly into describing Binding. What does any of that mean? How is a new player supposed to know enough to care about binding when they don't even know what's going on in the first place? What the hell is the soul network anyway? Where is it? What does it look like? Is it a block? Is it just the items and essence? Is the soul network's essence stored in the items? What is essence? What does it look like? Why do I care about binding? What are the consequences? Do I have to bind items to spend essence, or is this just one of several options?

Your edit to the article has divided things each into their own section, but these are questions you need to give context for before you bust straight into describing the individual components one-by one. so please don't delete my edits in which I try to first establish this context. It's ok if there's some redundant information.Strill (talk) 02:09, 23 May 2014 (CEST)

Let's try to keep this positive people. Strill from what I can tell the previous version was with an equally short introduction. Gxam seems to have just moved binding to be the first category and added some details. I don't know much about this mod so I'll leave that to you guys to sort out, but clearly the first priority for this article is for someone to write a more detailed introduction section, while within the categories you can get into specifics. Celestial Oblivion (talk) 02:45, 23 May 2014 (CEST)
It was an equally short introduction, however, all the questions I mentioned were answered in the next paragraph.Strill (talk) 03:01, 23 May 2014 (CEST)

Large Changes[edit]

The section on life essence was large enough to warrant its own article and has been moved there. There was already an article on binding which I had not noticed, so I moved the section on binding there. That leaves just the soul network itself as the focus of this article. I have done the best I know how right now to try and explain this. If someone else has a better idea, please go ahead and change it. Gxam (talk) 07:16, 28 May 2014 (CEST)