Talk:Solar Boiler

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Sorry, I don't know how to use wikis, so I'll just leave a copypaste here.

So the Solar Turbine is replaced with two machines. The Solar Boiler, and the Steam Turbine. The solar boiler needs three things.

   to be on top of an infinite water source, or pumped in water with pipes.
   no blocks above it, so it'll get direct sunlight
   at least 14 or so mirrors.

Usually, you would place the Steam Turbine on top of the Solar Boiler. That's how it's normally meant to be done. But I put a liquid tesseract above my Solar boiler and send that steam to wherever the hell I want it. Yes. It's the BC steam. It's generated continuously through solar power.

Anyway, you're going to send that steam to a steam turbine however way you want. And that steam turbine needs to store its energy in a batteryblock, or send it to other factorization machines through lead wires.

If you don't have 14 mirrors at first, you want to stop steam from being sent into the steam turbine for a moment until you have a good amount of steam inside your steam boiler, sending them all in at once.

Also, when working on factorization, get a Charge Meter. Right click (or shift + right click) machines with it to get a bunch of info about them that you won't have any clue what they mean at first. I still kinda don't, but I think I'm understanding a little bit. Smaller numbers, bad. Bigger, good.

Edit: One more thing, the best output of steam for a solar boiler (probably) is having 8 solar boilers stacked vertically on each other, and a bunch of mirrors making a parabola looking shape. It's hard to explain, so I might make an image post or video post about it. Dunno...