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How is the crafting recipe decided (what is shown in the grid, and what is considered a substitute)? Fresh milk is a Pam item with a vanilla substitute, but egg is a vanilla item with a Pam substitute. --JonathanHopeThisIsUnique (talk) 19:01, 6 July 2015 (CEST)

Substitutes are items that can be used in stead of the default items based on the ore dictionary, non-ore dictionary substitutes aren't listed as the same recipe. As for what items are picked for the recipes, I just made a decision on that and stuck to nit for consistency. In the cases you're referring to, I essentially thought of the Egg as the base default as it is more common by default. I chose to use Fresh Milk and Fresh Water as they're from the mod itself and canb easily be crafted from their vanilla alternatives, furthermore they are also more efficient in use as they each only use 333mB rather than 1000mB. ~~ RZR0 (Talk | Contributions) 19:14, 6 July 2015 (CEST)