Taint Root Seeds

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Taint Root Seeds
Taint Root Seeds

Name Taint Root Seeds
Source Mod AgriCraft
ID Name Unknown
OreDict Names
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

Taint Root Seeds are seeds added by the AgriCraft mod that can be grown into Taint Tendrils from Thaumcraft 4.

AgriCraft Crossbreeding[edit]

To obtain, Vishroom Spores must be crossbred with Nether Wart with Tainted Soil between them. Crusted Taint must be beneath the Tainted Soil for the crossbreeding to be successful. Although the parent plants require dim light to mature, light must be added in order for the child plant to crossbreed.

GUI CropMutation.png
Vishroom Spores
Nether Wart
Taint Root Seeds
Tainted Soil (Thaumcraft 4)
Crusted Taint


Taint Root Seeds has no known uses in crafting.