SHADE Protector

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SHADE Protector
SHADE Protector

Name SHADE Protector
Source Mod Essential Thaumaturgy
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable No

SHADE Protector is an item added by the Essential Thaumaturgy mod. It is an accessory which can be worn in Amulet slot in Baubles and will give the wearer 10 Runic Shield points. When the wearer is killed, the death is cancelled and accessory is destroyed.

Thaumcraft 4 Research Notes[edit]

MRU Volume 5
The SHADE is real!..

Research aspects in this item[edit]

Thaumonomicon Entry[edit]

"I dare to gaze once more into the abyssal depths of the void, prepared this time. I see! The discovery is shocking - MRU is nothing more than a realized possibility! But there is a dark side... The SHADOW stirs around the world, it both exists and not at the same time, it is everywhere! It gazes back onto me and I see not the death, but something much worse in the shade! I need a way to protect me - something like a charm, maybe... I doubt it works, but what can I do?.. I shall continue my researches!"


GUI TC4 Infusion.png
Infusion Altar
Salis Mundus
Salis Mundus
Salis Mundus
Salis Mundus
Salis Mundus
Salis Mundus
Salis Mundus
SHADE Protector
Amulet of Emergency Shielding
Very High


SHADE Protector has no known uses in crafting.