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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:For/doc

local p = {}

function esc(x)
  return (x:gsub('%%', '%%%%')
           :gsub('%^', '%%%^')
           :gsub('%$', '%%%$')
           :gsub('%(', '%%%(')
           :gsub('%)', '%%%)')
           :gsub('%.', '%%%.')
           :gsub('%[', '%%%[')
           :gsub('%]', '%%%]')
           :gsub('%*', '%%%*')
           :gsub('%+', '%%%+')
           :gsub('%-', '%%%-')
           :gsub('%?', '%%%?'))

-- Repeats the second parateter the first parameter number of times.
-- This is a stop-gap for the Extensions:LoopFunctions, #for
function p.loop(frame)
	local iters = frame.args[1]				-- How many times to loop
	local s = frame.args[2]					-- What to loop
	local pattern = frame.args[3] or "$n$"	-- What to replace with the iteration count
	-- Escape the pattern to work with gsub
	pattern = esc(pattern)
	local ret = ""
	if tonumber(iters) and s then
		for x=1,iters do
			ret = ret .. string.gsub(s, pattern, x)
	return ret

-- Iterates through the arguments passed and uses a string to format them
-- This is a stop-gap for the Extensions:Loops, #forargs
function p.forArgs(frame)
	local prefix = frame.args.prefix or 'var'
	local keyStr = frame.args.key or '$key$'
	local valStr = frame.args.value or '$val$'
	local block  = frame.args.block or ''
	local stripPrefix = frame.args.stripPrefix or false
	-- Escape patterns
	prefix = '^' .. esc(prefix)
	keyStr = esc(keyStr)
	valStr = esc(valStr)
	local pLen = prefix:len()
	-- Get the parent frame, this is where all the arguments are
	local parent = frame:getParent()
	-- Iterate through all the variables in the parent
	local ret = ''
	for k,v in pairs(parent.args) do
		-- Check if this is one we should handle
		if string.find(k, prefix) then
			-- Remove the prefix if needed
			if stripPrefix then
				k = k:sub(pLen)
			-- Replace key
			local str = string.gsub(block, keyStr, k)
			-- Replace value
			str = string.gsub(str, valStr, v)
			-- Concatenate
			ret = ret .. str
	return ret

-- Iterates through the numbered arguments passed and uses a string to format them
-- This is a stop-gap for the Extensions:Loops, #fornumargs
function p.forNumArgs(frame)
	local keyStr = frame.args.key or '$key$'
	local valStr = frame.args.value or '$val$'
	local block  = frame.args.block or ''
	local stripSpace = frame.args.strip
	stripSpace = stripSpace == 'Yes' or stripSpace == '1' or stripSpace == 'True'
	-- Escape patterns
	keyStr = esc(keyStr)
	valStr = esc(valStr)
	-- Get the parent frame, this is where all the arguments are
	local parent = frame:getParent()
	-- Iterate through all the variables in the parent
	local ret = ''
	for i,v in ipairs(parent.args) do
		-- Replace key
		local str = string.gsub(block, keyStr, i)
		local value = v
		-- Unnamed parameters do not strip the spaces
		if stripSpace then
			value = mw.text.trim(value)
		-- Replace value
		str = string.gsub(str, valStr, value)
		-- Concatenate
		ret = ret .. str
	return ret

return p