Flintlock Pistol (Balkon's WeaponMod)

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Item Flintlock Pistol (Balkon's WeaponMod).png


Name Flintlock
Source Mod Balkon's WeaponMod
ID Name Unknown
Type Weapon
Stackable No

The Flintlock Pistol is an Item added by Balkon's WeaponMod.

A pistol version of the Musket with a quicker reload time (+15) but deals a bit less than half the damage

Right-click and hold to load (1.5 sec), then again to prime and aim, release to fire. Although it will fire without holding, the shot has more impact when the weapon is primed

The Flinlock will lose durability with each shot and will break after firing 64 rounds or so


GUI Crafting Table.png
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Flint and Steel

Wood Planks

Flintlock Pistol (Balkon's WeaponMod)