Cotton (Natura)

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Name Cotton
Source Mod Natura
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

Cotton is an item added by the Natura mod. It's harvested from a cotton plant, which grows from Cotton Seeds. Cotton grows on tilled soil and its growth rate is affected significantly by the light level. Right-clicking a plant that has produced cotton will harvest the cotton without destroying the plant. When left-clicked, the plant will be destroyed and it will yield both the cotton and seeds. If the plant is destroyed at the stage just before the cotton is ready to harvest (identified by the pink seed pods on the ends of the branches) destroying the plant will yield 2 seeds. At other stages destroying the plant will most often yield only 1 seed. When the plant is scanned with a spyglass, or viewed in NEI it reads "Conveyor Belt". This is most likely a bug.


Cotton (Natura) can be used to create the following items: