Clipboard (FullThrottle Alchemist)

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Clipboard (FullThrottle Alchemist)
Clipboard (FullThrottle Alchemist)

Name Clipboard (FullThrottle Alchemist)
Source Mod FullThrottle Alchemist
ID Name Unknown
Type Tool
Stackable No

The Clipboard is a tool that allows the player to craft items without using Crafting Table.



Clipboard's interface can be opened by right clicking while holding the Clipboard in hand and also can be opened by pressing 'C' key while in the player's hotbar.

When Clipboard's interface is closed, items will be kept inside and will not drop on floor as they do in Crafting Table.

A similar UI to the clipboard can be opened when carrying a Crafting Table and pressing the 'C' key but this cannot store items inside and will drop items when the interface is closed.

There are three function buttons for easy management:

Balance Button Used for balancing items/equally arranging them in recipe.
Clipboard-Smart Assist.png
Smart Assist Button Used for arranging material in circle form.
Clipboard-To Inventory.png
To Inventory Button Transfers all of the items from Clipboard to players inventory.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Wood Planks
Iron Ingot
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Clipboard (FullThrottle Alchemist)