Charm of the Flame

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The Charm of the Flame is one of four charms currently in Magical Crops. It is a late-mid to late game item in the mod. The charm has no durability and will give it's holder fire resistance for 0:001 seconds or 1 tick.(As yet not exactly confirmed as to which but the buff duration is less the 1 second.)

Please not this buff only is active if the charm is in the users inventory(anywhere so long as it's the vanilla inventory.) and the user is standing in fire or lava. The charm does not activate instantly so its' user will take a single damage tick from the fire or lava when they enter it.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Essence of Fire
Extreme Essence
Essence of Fire
Extreme Essence
Base Charm
Extreme Essence
Essence of Fire
Extreme Essence
Essence of Fire
Charm of the Flame