Central Processing Unit (CPU)

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The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is an essential component of every OpenComputers computer. As the name suggests, it is the central component that executes the code stored on a computer's EEPROM and communicates with other connected components. All of the standard OpenComputers CPUs run Lua natively, though other mods may provide additional CPUs that run different types of code.

In addition to their main use as a computer component, they can be installed in Switches and similar network devices to increase their cycle rate. This value, along with the number of packets per cycle, controls the effetive speed at which the device operates.

Tooltip Description[edit]

An essential component of all computers. The clock rate is a bit unreliable, but what do you expect when it runs on a pocket sundial?

Manual Entry[edit]

The Central Processing Unit is a core part for each computer. It defines the architecture of the computer, and the number of components that can be connected to the computer before it stops working. Higher tier CPUs also provide a higher per-tick direct call limit to the computer - in simpler terms: better CPUs run faster.


Like many other components, CPUs come in different tiers. Higher-tier CPUs can only be installed in more advanced computers and devices, but are faster and can support more connected components.

Note that since Switches do not have tiers, any CPU tier may be installed without requiring an upgrade of the Switch block itself.

Name Computer Case Switch
Max. Components Execution Speed Cycle rate bonus
Central Processing Unit (CPU) (Tier 1) Central Processing Unit (CPU) (Tier 1) 8 0.5 1 hz
Central Processing Unit (CPU) (Tier 2) Central Processing Unit (CPU) (Tier 2) 12 1.0 83 ≈ 2.67 hz
Central Processing Unit (CPU) (Tier 3) Central Processing Unit (CPU) (Tier 3) 16 1.5 6 hz