Artifact Lootbag

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Artifact Lootbag
Artifact Lootbag

Name Artifact Lootbag
Source Mod Loot Bags
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable No

Artifact Lootbag is an item added by the Loot Bags mod, which contains up to 5 stacks of randomly generated items.

Possible Content[edit]

The items, the Artifact Lootbag may contain, are calculated from the loot tables of loot chests. Adding or removing mods or playing with modpacks may change the available items or change the chances for retrieving a certain item significantly.


Item Item Item
Iron Horse Armor Iron Horse Armor Golden Horse Armor Golden Horse Armor Diamond Horse Armor Diamond Horse Armor
Empty Map Empty Map Compass Compass


Artifact Lootbag has no known uses in crafting.