Air Grate Tube

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Air Grate Tube
Air Grate Tube

Name Air Grate Tube
Source Mod PneumaticCraft
ID Name Unknown
Type Tube
Stackable Unknown

An Air Grate Tube is used to move entities using pressurized air. By supplying pressurized air, entities such as mobs or items will be pushed away from the tube. If a vacuum is supplied from a Vacuum Pump, then entities will be pulled towards the tube. If an item entity is close enough, it will be placed into an adjacent inventory.

The range at which the tube will move entities is determined by the flow rate and is calculated as: Range = 0.4 x Flow where flow is in mL/tick.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Iron Bars

Iron Bars
Pressure Tube
Iron Bars

Iron Bars

Air Grate Tube